1.1 Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship.

Digital Citizenship can be characterized as the standards of suitable, capable conduct with respect to technology use.
Below are the nine elements that make up Digital Citizenship based on the 2011 Ribble:

*    Digital Access – Users need to be reminded that other resources may need to be accessed as technology is limited. Commitment is needed to make sure that no one is deprived of digital access.

·         Digital Commerce – Manly known as electronic purchase and trading goods. The suitability of internet purchases of toys, cars, food and etc, has become common place to many users. Being an active purchaser is what is required in a new digital economy.

·         Digital Commutation – According to Ribble 2011, is “An electronic exchange of information”. One of the considerable inside the computerized transportation is  a man’s capacity to speak with other individuals. Tragically, numerous clients have not been instructed how to settle on paper choices when confronted with such a large number of various advanced correspondence choices.

·         Digital Literacy – Visser (2012), interprets digital literacy as a process of teaching and learning about Technology and use of it. White schools have gained incredible ground in the regions innovation implantation, much stays to be finished. As new advances rise, learners need to figure out how to utilize that innovation rapidly and properly. Computerized citizenship includes teaching, individuals recently (these people require a high level of data education aptitudes).

·         Digital Etiquette – Described by the (Digital Citizenship, Auburn University. [S.A]) as the electronic standards of conduct or procedure. Ensuring proper use of the internet. Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in the new society.

·         Digital Law – According to Terry O’Brien (2010), “Digital law deals with ethics of technology within a society. Universal use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime. Ethical manifests itself in the form of abiding by the law of society. Hacking into others information, downloading illegal music, plagiarizing, creative destructive worms, viruses or creating Trojan Horses, Sending spam, or stealing anyone’s identity or property is unethical.

·         Digital Rights and Responsibilities – ( Ribble & Bailey, 2007), refers to those freedom extended to everyone in a digital world. Digital citizens have the right to privacy and free speech. With these rights also come responsibilities as well.  These two areas must work together in digital society, in order for everyone to be productive.

·         Digital Health & Wellness – Ribble (2011) defines Digital Health and Wellness as, “physical and psychology well-being in a digital technology world”. Issues need to be addressed in a new technological world are eye safety, repetitive stress, syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices. This can be addressed by teaching education and training.

·         Digital Security (Self-Protection) - Society is extremely highly, there are elements who take, demolish or disturb other individuals. The same is valid for the computerized group. We need infection security, reinforcements of information, and surge control of our hardware. Being a dependable subject empowers us to shield our data from outside dangers that may bring about disturbance or damage.


(O'Brien, 2018)
(O'Brien, 2017)
(O'Brien, 2017)

Digital Citizen builds and enhances capital
·         Digital citizen is when an individual uses technology in order to interact and keep in touch with society and politics that uses internet regularly and efficiently.
By being an active digital citizen, one can be useful in helping to market organizations such as (Facebook, Airbnb, and Uber), besides marketing and promoting other organisations, digital citizen can market their businesses. If the business needs to get messages around they should get it through digital citizens, in that way their messages get delivered by many people and carry the message that needs to be carried out.
Digital Citizens however have rights and responsibilities. They influence the way the society see a particular organization. Digital Citizen should also take up a normative form, in which they engage with the rest of the community.
An idea of how one can build and enhance is to get out on the society and meet different kind of people the more you meet people the more u get connections and have a better access to the resources you have .Talking to a person, you both can benefit and get to know what you need from each other and how u can relate. It’s important to be active on the social media, getting into social media groups and that will give an access to know more people that are similar to you, and it’s a place where you can share your thoughts and ideas. The are many different types of websites where you can communicate with other and learn different things about them , it’s important to show more information as you can about yourself so people can now who u are and that could build a connection together, before social capital is a connection.


Question 2
2.1   Digital citizens as those who use the Internet regularly and effectively. Being a good digital citizen means to demonstrate and practice safe, responsible, and legal use of technology. A good digital citizen is someone who understands the rights and responsibilities that come with being online and someone who uses technology in a positive way.
Leave a positive digital footprint, Know the (other) golden rule, Always be nice (and encourage others to be nice, too), Avoid suggestive material, Beware of stranger danger and Don't steal.
Characteristics of a Good Digital Citizen
  • Uses technology to participate in educational, cultural, and economic activities.
  • Develops and uses critical thinking skills online.
  • Uses technology to relate to others in positive, meaningful ways.
  • Respect the concepts of privacy and freedom of speech in the digital world.
  • Contribute to and actively promote the values of digital citizenship.
The following infographic shows the 5 characteristics of digital citizens as students differ in the way they think, interact and the way they learn. This Infographic is to help understand or simplify what Digital Citizen is and how can it help us or even destroy us:

Infographic of being a good Digital Citizen.

 Digital Citizen

Almost anyone that uses technology and the internet has left a digital footprint. Things that we use daily like cellphones and bank cards are transmitting data to sever with our information and this makes us vulnerable to the society because we are exposing ourselves to the world to be traceable, hacked, scammed and trackable. This makes it very difficult to remove yourself from the digital world. Some people who value privacy may find this disturbing while others may find it helpful.
Your digital footprint is useful for connecting you with old friends, to have a good online reputation and help users contact content creators (authors, YouTubers, Bloggers and etc.)
With all that being said it is next to impossible to remove yourself from the digital world as many of us use devices every day that a transmitting data. I believe it is not a problem if you are responsible and have a good behaviour online.
 Ways To Manage Your Digital Footprint:
  • Do not give out any of your passwords to anyone
  • Don't post anything on the internet you wouldn't want your family or friends to see
  • Set your Facebook profile to private or friends only
  • Ensure you are using safe and authenticate websites
For enthusiasts those are extremely worried about their privacy: use incognito mode in chrome, delete cookies and search history or download a browser like Tor - that hides your location and makes you anonymous.

ISTE, 2018. pinterest.com. [Online]
Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_citizen
[Accessed 11 June 2017].
O'Brien, T., 2017. 16017401bass.wordpress.com. [Online]
Available at: http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/NineElements.htm
[Accessed 5 September 2018].
O'Brien, T., 2017. Digital Citizenship. Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship, pp. 49-62.
O'Brien, T., 2018. 16017401bass.wordpress.com. [Online]
Available at: https://www.iste.org/docs/excerpts/DIGCI2-excerpt.pdf
[Accessed 2 May 2017].
O'Brien, T., n.d. ...wordpress.com. [Online]
Available at: https//www.iste.org/docs/excerpts/DIGCI2-excerpts.pdf
[Accessed 02 May 2017].

(O'Brien, 2017)
(ISTE, 2018)
 (O'Brien, 2017)
 (O'Brien, 2018)


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